

亲爱的朋友和校友们:Dr. 罗伯特·麦克马汉

欢迎来到正规的赌博app社区的新时代. 就在过去的几个月, together we’ve experienced what feels like the beginning of a transformative time for our 学生, 我们的校园, 我们的教师, 我们的工作人员, 我们的朋友, 还有我们的校友. 

我们进步的迹象无处不在, but nowhere are they more obvious than in the heart of 我们的校园 with the just-opened 学习共享. Although it seems as if we’ve talked about the groundbreaking facility for years, 我们刚刚庆祝了9月份的盛大开业. It’s already living up to its promise as a lively collaborative space for academic and social exploration. 

The 学习共享 re现在s the culmination of our historic 大胆推进资本运动. 正如我们在大流行期间所做的那样, 凯特林社区走到了一起, 筹集1.55亿美元用于资本改善, 为教师和项目提供支持, 奖学金, 对于无限制的礼物. It’s our largest campaign ever and one that will positively impact 我们的校园 for decades to come.

这是凯特林的另一个重要步骤, 我很高兴向大家介绍詹妮弗·帕特森, our new 大学发展与对外关系副校长. Jennifer has vast and varied experience in advancement with proven results throughout her career. 她曾在哥伦布首都大学领导团队, 俄亥俄州; University of Rochester in New York; the National Academy of Engineering in Washington, D.C.; and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Our future is bright with Jennifer leading our fundraising and advancement efforts.

纵观这份慈善报告, you’ll read even more about the strides we’re making as a university. We’ll take you inside 学习共用资源 with a look at how 学生, 工作人员, 教师们正在把你们的天赋付诸行动. You will explore through photos the pioneering design of the facility, 看看它的许多独特之处, and discover how our community is using its spaces for educational and social benefit. 

在接下来的几页里, you will meet the Kettering Keepers—a new program that encourages our youngest alumni to give for future generations of Bulldogs. 我们也看到了我们成功的第一个和正规赌博十大网站机器人项目, 这两个都是蓬勃发展,感谢我们的捐助者的支持. 通过许多其他的故事, you will learn how 学生 in financial need realize their dreams of attending Kettering with the support of our alumni, 企业合作伙伴, 以及其他捐助者. 

凯特林正在行动. Your support ensures that we continue to lead and innovate for the benefit of the entire Kettering community—past, 现在, 和未来的. We have made great progress in transforming 我们的校园 and educating the leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. With your ongoing support, we will march boldly forward into a promising future. 感谢您的慷慨,感谢您加入我们的重要使命. 


Dr. 罗伯特·麦克马汉




Dr. 罗伯特K. 麦克马汉





詹妮弗·帕特森学习共享的盛大开幕, 大胆前进首都运动庆祝会, 和一个杰出的夜晚 & 的决心 are just a few of the events I experienced before my tenure as 大学发展与对外关系副校长 at 正规的赌博app even began on Oct. 27, 2022. 我对这种慷慨的精神感到惊讶, 合作, 以及我在无数捐助者中观察到的承诺, 社区成员, 志愿者, 学生, 教师, 以及我有幸与之互动的员工. The sense of pride and accomplishment was palpable and well-deserved. Thank you for the warm welcome and congratulations on your achievements.  

The opportunity to build on the strategic vision and success of what President 麦克马汉, 他的内阁, 校董会, 学生, 教师, 志愿者, 捐助者, 先进性团队, and the entire Kettering family created through the Boldly Forward campaign is exciting and profound. 竞选活动的核心项目, 学习共用资源, 是非凡的, and daily we experience the energy and innovation the building has ignited. The Kettering campus and student experience have been reimagined and enhanced. This success was achieved in large part through the financial support of Kettering alumni, 捐助者, 和朋友, and we are grateful for your generous investment in our bright future.  

我从哥伦布来到凯特林, 俄亥俄州, where I was Vice President of Advancement and Marketing at Capital University. 在此之前,我领导了文理科的进步工作 & 他是纽约罗切斯特大学的工程学教授. I also spearheaded the fundraising efforts at the Simon School of Business there. 另外, I served as Chief Advancement Officer at the National Academy of Engineering in Washington, D.C., and in various advancement positions at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem, 北卡罗莱纳. I began my fundraising career 25 years ago at Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, West Virginia. Working in fundraising and alumni engagement provides the opportunity to build bridges between the University and supporters who care deeply about the success of 学生 and 教师. 还有什么更好的呢??

我丈夫和我几十年来一直爱着密歇根. We have traveled extensively in the state and regularly vacationed in northern Michigan. 参观凯特林时, I enjoyed a feeling of warmth and collegiality among all I met but also quickly appreciated what I call “sharp-elbow determination” that comes from smart, 专用的, 信任人们朝着共同的目标努力. Early in my interview process, I was convinced Kettering was the place for me. 

The impact of donor support at the University is prominent and celebrated throughout the community. Imagine what 我们的校园 would look like without the financial contributions from generous friends and supporters like you. 几乎不可能想象出来. That wonderful sense of belonging created by the beneficence of 捐助者 is a vote of confidence in our 学生, 教师, 我们衷心地感谢你们.  

我要感谢苏·戴维斯, recently retired 大学发展与对外关系副校长, 感谢她在过去十年里孜孜不倦的工作. Her mark on Kettering is indelible, and I am honored to build on her impressive legacy. 

I am excited to lead and be part of the team that determines the Kettering Built future–and rest assured, 我们要做大. 我期待着与大家一起工作. 谢谢你为展示牛头犬的骄傲所做的一切.







President 麦克马汉 thanks our alumni and 捐助者 for helping us close the largest capital campaign and begin a new era. 


The goal of the 正规的赌博app Philanthropy Report and Donor Honor Roll is to recognize your thoughtful and generous support over the past year.




When you choose to support Kettering with a gift, you bolster the very foundation of the University.